
Medical GasLighting With Stephanie Ewals

In a recent Fatigue Your Fix podcast episode, I sat down with Stephanie Ewals, a board-certified and licensed nutritionist and host of the Help for Hashimoto’s podcast. We discussed the topic of medical gaslighting — which has unfortunately become a bit of a buzzword lately. Here are some key takeaways from our conversation.

Common Gaslighting Tactics

Medical gaslighting is a real phenomenon whereby people visit their traditional medical practitioner with a range of symptoms and basically get dismissed or told they are “just getting older.”

To be fair, this gaslighting isn’t necessarily the doctor’s fault; they are taught a certain way, and they typically have only a few minutes to see patients. They are also part of a broken healthcare system that isn’t set up to get to the root causes of problems, but rather to prescribe medications and address acute problems, not chronic illness.

What’s often more damaging, however, is the gaslighting that makes you feel discounted, dismissed, too emotional, lazy, or incapable of handling stress. So, for example, the person who could use a closer look at their thyroid instead gets put on an antidepressant or birth control — or offered a hysterectomy (more on that below). Let’s look at some of the most common forms of medical gaslighting.

“You’re Just Getting Older”

My story comes from dealing with years and years of struggling with really low energy and feeling sick and blah all the time — just always thinking, “Gosh, I think I have the flu” because I always felt kind of nauseous and unwell. It was easy to chalk up the fatigue, depression, and anxiety as just stress from college.

Even when I got my thyroid tested, the results always came back “normal.” And this is where the medical gaslighting began. Ultimately, it all culminated in a diagnosis of thyroid cancer many years down the road. Meanwhile, along the way, I had delayed my health progress because I was told I was just getting older, even in my early 20s.

“You’re a Woman, So This Is Normal”

Another one I’ve heard: “You’re a woman, and your hormones fluctuate. So that’s why you feel like A, B, and C.” Essentially, you’re told that you’re supposed to have migraines and headaches and be out of commission with heavy, horrible, disgusting periods because you’re a woman. “You can just take this birth control and that will solve all your problems,” they’ll tell you.

Over time, you get so used to experiencing medical gaslighting that you start to think you’re lazy, that you’re supposed to suffer, and that you should just accept the way things are because it’s supposedly “normal.”

“Get a Hysterectomy”

Stephanie recalls being told to try endometrial ablation for heavy periods, a process whereby you have a thin lining of tissue removed from the uterus. When she didn’t qualify for ablation, she was offered a hysterectomy.

This practice is more common than you might think, as Stephanie learned in speaking with a doctor who had seen countless 20-year-olds who had already undergone hysterectomies. She says, “Doctors would ask, ‘Do you plan on having kids?’ Well at 20, I didn’t plan on having kids either. And they said no. And then they’re like, okay, we’ll take your uterus out and then you won’t bleed anymore.”

Young women who make such a huge, life-altering decision at 20 years old will never get the chance to change their minds about having biological children.

Times Are Changing

Older generations took the doctor’s word as gospel, but nowadays, younger generations are no longer simply passengers on the bus when it comes to their health. They’re questioning doctors’ advice and taking a more proactive approach to their health needs. And if one provider is giving off gaslighting vibes, they’re beginning to see there’s no reason not to switch providers.

If you don’t take that proactive approach, your health issues could go on for decades before being properly diagnosed. You’ll prolong the issues instead of getting the help you need to start feeling better, faster. You might even wind up making a life-changing decision like getting hysterectomy or quitting gymnastics (one doctor’s advice given to a friend of Stephanie’s as a “remedy” for insomnia when she was a young teenager).

You see, doctors typically won’t tell you they don’t have the answer for you — whether for lack of a good referral network or an unwillingness to admit that something isn’t their area of expertise. Many doctors would rather leave you with a prescription than send you to a specialist or agree to further lab testing.

You must self-advocate, and you must do the work. As one of my clients recently reminded me, do something now that your future self will thank you for.

Let’s Connect!

Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to a full and vibrant life! Join me over in my Facebook group where we are talking all about how to take back control of your health!

Be sure to follow me on my FacebookTikTokInstagram and Pinterest for tips and tricks on how to use nutrition to live your very best life! ​

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What Keeps You Stuck from Reaching Your Health Goals?

Good health is hard to maintain and reaching health goals can be a challenge. With all the responsibilities of life, it can be difficult to find the time or energy to prioritize your own wellbeing. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the most common reasons people get off track with their health goals, as well as tips on how you can overcome these obstacles and strive to achieve better health.

Nutrition Factors

One of the biggest roadblocks for many individuals when trying to reach personal health goals is nutrition. Eating unhealthy foods such as fast food, processed snacks, and sugary drinks can lead to weight gain, disease susceptibility and have a negative effect on overall quality of life. To combat poor nutrition habits, it is important to focus on eating whole, nutrient dense foods and avoiding processed foods as much as possible. Additionally, creating meal plans for the week can help make sure you are getting the proper nutrition each day.

Exercise Factors

Along with proper nutrition, regular exercise is essential when trying to stay healthy. Many people struggle to get enough physical activity due to lack of motivation or time constraints. To overcome these challenges and successfully stick with an exercise regimen, it’s important to find activities that suit your individual preferences, such as walking or swimming instead of running if you don’t like running. Setting realistic goals and tracking progress also helps keep motivation high throughout a fitness journey.

Time Constraints

Time constraints are a major hurdle for many people who want to pursue better health. With busy lifestyles and hectic schedules, it can be hard to find the time to eat healthy meals or get enough exercise. To make sure you’re still able to meet your health goals, try incorporating small changes into your routine such as taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, eating a nutritious breakfast each morning or squeezing in quick 5-minute workouts throughout the day.


Life can throw plenty of curveballs that can interfere with health goals. From kids and family responsibilities to long days at work or frequent travel, it is easy to fall off track when life gets too busy. The key to sticking with health goals in these scenarios is to remain flexible and focus on finding the balance between prioritizing your wellbeing and juggling other responsibilities.

General Tips

To avoid getting off track with your health goals, it is important to stay focused and motivated. Here are some general tips that can help you achieve better health: find an accountability partner or a workout buddy, set realistic and achievable goals, reward yourself for milestones reached, track progress regularly and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed.

Reaching personal health goals can be difficult but not impossible. By understanding what obstacles might come up along the way and following simple tips, you can create sustainable lifestyle changes that will help you reach your goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

What else is keeping you from achieving your health goals? Reach out below, I can help you! Remember, health is an ongoing journey that takes dedication and perseverance. Keep striving for better health every day!

Let’s Connect!

Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to a full and vibrant life! Join me over in my Facebook group where we are talking all about how to take back control of your health!

Be sure to follow me on my FacebookTikTokInstagram and Pinterest for tips and tricks on how to use nutrition to live your very best life! ​

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What are Supplements and How Do I Know Which Ones to Take?

I was sick and sensitive to every kind of food when battling thyroid cancer. And, until I found the right combination of supplements, I wanted to throw up. I spent $80 to $100 on different quality supplements. But every time I took them, I was sick. No matter how much food I ate with them.

People who suffer from chronic conditions are out of balance. They have unbalanced blood sugar and hormones. As a result, they’re super fatigued and are in chronic pain. But they’re not getting any help from their doctor, so they take supplements.

Supplements are nutrients that people use to replace what they are lacking in their diet. They can either be sourced from food or are synthetic. However, some are marketed as essential but contain no substances that impact our bodies.

Yet, people buy these supplements because they were recommended on Instagram. They think it will make them feel amazing, but in reality, they feel no change and actually get sicker. Or maybe you bought a specific brand because it worked for your grandma, and you were surprised when it didn’t work for you. That’s why you need someone who has the expertise and understanding of how nutrients work together.

Here’s a look at how supplements can help with chronic illness and which ones to take.

What are the supplements I should take?

High quality

Many supplements don’t have an active effect when entered the body. One example is magnesium. There are many forms of magnesium, like Magnesium Threonate, which helps cross the blood-brain barrier to help people with anxiety. However, it’s not easy to find that form. So, people often buy magnesium oxide, thinking it’s the magnesium they need for their bodies. And then, suddenly, they have diarrhea, and that’s because the milk of magnesia is for constipation.

Maybe you’ve taken high-quality supplements before and then quickly needed to replace them, so you opt for a cheaper version over the counter. But unfortunately, you could be wasting your money because the lower-quality supplements won’t always have the same ingredients or worse.

Natural combinations

A problem in the last couple of years is that everybody is taking high doses of supplements. It’s good for zinc, for example, as it’s good for the immune system, thyroid health, and blood sugar. However, it drives the level of our copper stores down, and copper is important for joint health connective tissue.

You could be taking 10 different supplements and have no idea they are making you deficient in certain nutrients. So, you need a natural combination of supplements that produce a combined effect greater than their separate effects.

Regulate medication

It can be hard to find balance when you have a thyroid condition and do not have enough thyroid hormone. So, you need to be extra cautious when taking multivitamins and minerals. What happens is that your thyroid meds ad certain minerals like calcium will compete for absorption. So, you could be blocking the absorption of your thyroid medication, which will make you still feel like garbage.

I started taking a supplement and later had my thyroid numbers checked, and everything was up. My tumor markers increased, and I just flatlined. So, you must be super careful if you have a condition. You need to work with someone that can help you figure it out.

If you need help with a chronic condition, please see your healthcare provider for specific health care concerns. I can also help you find the supplements and vitamins you need for your body. Book a free 30-minute call with me so we can talk through your goals, one step at a time.


What are Supplements and How Do I Know Which Ones to Take? Read More »

Top 5 Issues Thyroid Patients Deal With and What To Do About It

When you’re dealing with thyroid issues, it can be quite frustrating. I’ve talked to so many people who have just given up. We’re told that fatigue, weight gain, depression, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness are “fine” because there are meds for all of that, and most of us have tried all of them at one time or another.Yet they rarely work in the long term, and it just keeps us on this hamster wheel, a vicious cycle that never gets resolved.In my experience of recovering from thyroid cancer and now absent a thyroid gland, I have no choice but to take medications. I’m grateful I have that option, but meds aren’t the only answer if you have a thyroid condition.Here’s a look at the top five issues you might be dealing with as a thyroid patient and what you can do about them.

FatigueYou might think it’s just normal to feel exhausted all the time, especially if you lead a busy life with a job, kids, household responsibilities, and so on. You might explain it away that you’re tired because you’re constantly running around.The fatigue associated with thyroid conditions is different from feeling tired after a busy day, however. It’s debilitating, like the feeling you might have while pregnant (for those of you who can relate to that). Your body is constantly tired and in pain.
Weight Gain

For someone with a thyroid condition, the typical “calories in, calories out” model of weight loss and maintenance doesn’t work. Exercising to burn calories, tracking every gram of food, and obsessing over calorie counts never worked for me, and I would venture to guess it’s not working for you either.Anybody who’s ever relied on this old model might think they can burn fat either by reducing caloric intake and/or through exercise. This method does not work for all, however, and you might have found yourself frustrated when the weight doesn’t budge even when you’re diligent.Poor Gut Health

Most of the people I work with have major issues with acid reflux, constipation, bloating, diarrhea, or some combination of these issues. It’s common for thyroid patients to struggle with digestive upset and lack of absorption of nutrients due to low stomach acid.Oftentimes, people take over-the-counter medications to mitigate these symptoms. Over time, their body grows dependent on OTC meds, and they’re afraid to stop taking them because when they do, symptoms return.No one has ever advised them to change how they’re eating in order to resolve the underlying issues. Well, let me be the one to say there are better options than taking OTC meds for the rest of your life.

Depression and Anxiety

Also common among thyroid patients is depression and anxiety. Some people present more depressed with low energy and feelings of hopelessness. Others are more anxious, tired, wired, worried, and even panicked.Now, we all know there are times in life when we have reasons to be more anxious or depressed. What I’m talking about is long-term, chronic feelings of depression and anxiety. Like fatigue, it can also be debilitating.

Aches and Pains

Aches and pains could present as headaches or pain in the feet, knees, or just muscles in general. What I see clinically and biochemically is a cluster of nutrients that are deficient, stemming from gut health, inflammation, lifestyle factors, certain foods, and medications. Those deficiencies just lead to more and more of these symptoms.Side note: Some people may try to combat the anxiety, stress, and pain they feel by drinking alcohol, but alcohol makes matters worse and inhibits thyroid function.

Finding Solutions

If you try to resolve all of these issues at once, you may get overwhelmed and quit. So the first thing you can do when dealing with one or all of these issues is to find someone who actually wants to help you get to the root cause of your symptoms.That’s how I work with people. I look at what we can do to support everything underlying so that you can actually resolve your symptoms and come out on the other side, feeling like you were supposed to feel.No, you don’t have to give in to your symptoms as though they’re some kind of “new normal,” nor can you simply order a wellness test online and think you’re going to figure it out on your own. It takes the patience and guidance of someone like me who’s lived what you’re going through or has helped people like you.Aside from that, here are some basics I recommend incorporating into your life:

●     Add meditation into your life. Start with five minutes a day, and stick with it.
●     Move away from eating processed foods, and focus more on whole foods as much as you possibly can.
●     Eat your macros in balance. Start by making sure you get ample amounts of protein at each meal, a good 4 to 6 ounces.


If you follow these tips, you should notice a big difference in two weeks’ time. Don’t feel like you have to do it all, but start somewhere, and you will start to regain balance and normalize.Care to get on a call to talk more? Schedule your FREE Thyroid Breakthrough Session today by clicking here.

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