Rock Bottom Wellness

Tiffany Flaten, founder and President of Rock Bottom Wellness, is dedicated to transforming lives through functional nutrition. At the core of her company’s philosophy is the belief that understanding and addressing nutrient deficiencies is key to resolving the root causes of individual health issues. Her expertise is particularly beneficial for those grappling with challenges such as thyroid conditions, anxiety, depression, blood sugar and hormone imbalances, and chronic pain.

Tiffany’s journey to founding Rock Bottom Wellness was fueled by her own personal and professional experiences with these health conditions. Initially, she channeled her passion for teaching into a career as a high school Biology and Anatomy & Physiology teacher. However, her path took a significant turn when she faced a long-term, undiagnosed health condition that profoundly impacted her life and career aspirations.

Determined to regain her health, Tiffany embarked on a quest for knowledge, delving deeply into nutrition and furthering her education. This pursuit not only led to her own recovery but also ignited a desire to aid others facing similar health struggles. Her commitment to this cause is evident in her bestselling book, “Rock Bottom Thyroid Treatment: An 8-Week Thyroid Diet for People with ‘Normal’ Test Results to Thrive, Not Just Survive.”

An acclaimed speaker, Tiffany has shared her insights and experiences at prestigious institutions like Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Oxford University. Her impactful work has also garnered attention from major media outlets, including CBS, NBC, and Fox, and she has been featured in Expert Profile Magazine.

At Rock Bottom Wellness, Tiffany Flaten continues to inspire and guide those who have reached their “Rock Bottom” towards a path of improved health and well-being.

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